Until fairly recently, I had no idea how huge the water crisis was. Water is abundant in nature. It covers 70% of the Earth’s surface, is vital to all living things. The problem is that only 3% of this can be used to sustain humans, the remaining 97% being nothing but saltwater.
As humans, access to clean drinking water is essential. While this has been improving steadily and substantially over the last decade, it has been estimated that more than half of the world’s population will be facing water shortage by the year 2025. That’s only 15 years or a decade and a half from now. A November 2009 report even suggests that certain developing countries will only have enough to meet half or 50% of the water demand by 2030. It is said that almost a billion people on the planet do not have access to clean, safe drinking water. That is the equivalent of about one in eight of us.
Here’s a scary thought to ponder. The food we eat depends a lot on water. Crops need water to grow, and so does livestock. Shortage of freshwater also affects biodiversity, and water deficit is made even more evident by drought.
Today, as part of Blog Action Day 2010, let us do our part to help alleviate the global water crisis. If you belong to an institution that can in some way contribute to this cause, the time for action is now! If you are just another simple human being like me, here are a few things that we can do to alleviate the water crisis:
First, inform. We can do our part by spreading the word. Let others know about the seriousness of the issue, that it affects all of us no matter where you stand in life. Rich or poor we are all affected – there are no exemptions.
Second, conserve. Water may be abundant now but the time may come when it will be very difficult to obtain. Turn that faucet off when not in use. Fix that broken pipe. Not only does conserving water preserve its abundance, it also makes economic sense. You can save money by saving on water.
Third, maximize. Try to utilize available water fully. Whatever small amount of water we have let us utilize it fully. For example, you can extend the life of your pool water by using chlorine. Try not to spill or let good water go to waste. Every drop saved counts!
Fourth, recycle. Try to reuse water whenever possible. For example, you can use the same water for washing your clothes and flushing the toilet. Or, you can use pool water on your plans and lawn, as long as you do not use chlorine.
Fifth, accumulate. For those who have the resources, it may be worth it to invest in an underground pump or a water tank. There are relatively inexpensive filtration systems available in the market. Take the time to explore different options, you may even save money in the long run.
It is high time that we appreciate our precious water. Let us do our part to preserve it before it’s too late.