Audio Visual Junkie

Category: Lifestyle

  • At 29, Life Hates Me (Self pity)

    Today, I went out with only 12.35 in my pocket. Paid the jeep 7 pesos, went down at Puregold. They have no ATM machines. I walked west to Allied Bank. Machine offline. Walked back east, past Puregold onto Budgetlane. They have no ATM machines. Guard tells me there’s an RCBC further west. I move forward,…

  • Parenting

    Parenting Sometimes I find myself wondering Of how my life would have been Or could have been A lot more exciting, A lot less distressing, Maybe even interesting If it hand’t been For my parents meddling In things I find myself in But then I would not have been If it hadn’t been For their…

  • Katrina Halili – Hayden Kho video scandal

    … AKA porno for the masses, starring Philippine sexy actress Katrina Halili and doctor-cum-singer-cum-MILF man Hayden Kho. They both have super hot bodies, which makes things quite easy especially for Mr. Hayden, who’s only a month older than me. Can I imagine going out with someone as old as my mom? I guess as long…

  • Conquering The Universe 101

    Those who dream of conquering the world are small timers. I, on the other hand, shall conquer them instead. When that is done, I will just sit back, relax, and let others do the work while the profits roll in.

  • The Ninth Beatitude

    Blessed are the geeks, for they shall inherit … cyberspace. Dennison Uy May 1, 2009

  • Wine Flu

    In the heat of the Swine Flu pandemic™, people around the world are knowingly (and unknowingly) suffering from Wine Flu. Wine flu (n.) – feverish, burning sensation caused by intake of alcohol Dennison Uy April 30, 2009 … Other symptoms include dizziness and vomiting. (added by brownspank) Beware!

  • On Solomonic Wisdom

    Jaime Garchitorena has written a piece on Solomonic Wisdom that particularly interested me. Having spent most of my childhood going to Bible studies and such, I eventually came to a point where I outgrew these stories. I found many of them rather silly and bordering on fantasy. Walking through the ocean floor of the dead…

  • Justice in the Philippines

    Is there really no justice in this country? Having faced this myself, now I know the answer. The answer is NO. The world revolves around money. No matter how cruel that fact may be. That is life. That is how things are.

  • On Righteousness

    I’d rather be wrong yet humble, than be righteous yet blind. – Dennison Uy 04/18/2009

  • Serenity Prayer

    Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuhr Last night I was trying to give advise and this came to my mind. I could not recall the exact words, so when I woke…